Sunday, July 5, 2009

A New Creature in Christ

This poem was written by a recent convert. She shared it with Elder Leishman and I at church today. I wanted to share it with you.

Shattered by the long, lonely days of darkness,
A soul that wandered away from the glory of God,
Knowing not who or where to turn
or rest my weary bones.
I lingered day and night near the book of
Truth, Prosperity, and Love.
I felt like a locked box inside a cave with no escape -
for all have come short of the glory of God.
Faith has brought me thus far.
As I read the book of hope for many days,
turning page by page,
Pondering upon what is being read,
I learned the facts of being wise,
and obtaining wisdom,
and understanding in Christ.
I felt the confidence of hope
that a broken heart and a new soul was seen in Heaven's eyes.
Heaven rejoices over one sinner that repents.
Touched by an angel,
Delivered from the enemies concave,
Cleansed by the Holy Spirit,
Putting on the whole armour of God -
Yeah! I can rejoice!
For I am clean, washed in the blood
and sheltered under the golden branches of love, peace, and joy,
and, most of all, covered under God's wings.
I am blessed, sanctified, and purified by God's hands.
I have become a new creature in Christ.
(2nd Cor. 5:17)
God save me.
written by Shevonne Canzius


Stan & Isabelle said...

very sweet, thank you for sharing!

Tui said...

Wow! Tell her from one writer to another that her message was beautifully heartfelt.