Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had two Thanksgiving dinners this year. This is a picture of the one we had on Thanksgiving Day. The day before was Transfer Day and we got three new elders to replace three who were transferred to other sections of Trinidad. There are ten elders in the picture because we invited a new senior couple, the Barnes from Washington state, to join us and bring four of their elders. They actually have eight to look after but four of them had been invited to a member's house. The members are American working in Trinidad. We had fourteen for dinner that day.

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving we had a little bit bigger crowd. We invited the branch president and his wife and two sons. We also invited three newly baptized members that we had the privilege of teaching with the elders. Dianne Springer is in the picture with Elder Willis and Elder Guy. Elder Willis is new to us and Elder Guy just got transferred. Elder Leishman is in the background with President Gopaul.

Pictured in this picture is Jameil Springer, on the left, his friend, Antonio, and Melroy Fordyce. Melroy went with us to Dianne and Jameil's baptism the week before as a guest because he was scheduled to be baptized the following Saturday. Elder Leishman jokingly invited him to get baptized that night since the font would already be full. Melroy thought about it for a while, then said he would like to be baptized right then. He was interviewed, found worthy, and then baptized. Just like that! Antonio heard Jameil talk about his baptim at school and asked about it. One day he saw the elders walking in the street. He ran after them and asked them if he knew Jameil. They said 'yes' and then Antonio asked if he could be baptized. The elders said 'yes' again but that he would have to come to church first. On the following Sunday, we went to pick up Dianne and Jameil to take them to church early because Jameil was being interviewed to receive the Aaronic Priesthood. Antonio had called and asked if he could have a ride. So we met him at the bus stop and took him to church, then to our Thanksgiving dinner, and finally to a fireside at the Mission Home. (with his mother's permission, of course) His mother, sister, and aunt are all having the lessons with him and are all preparing for baptism. WE HAVE SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR!